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Following our previous post on ROS 2 CLI (Command Line Interface), we will see here how one can extend the set of existing CLI tools by introducing a new command and its related verb(s). As support for this tutorial, we will create a ‘Hello World’ example so that the new command will be hello and ...
This article originally appeared on Chad Smith’s blog Cloud-init published its second release of 2018: version 18.2. Among many notable features in the 18.1 release and the 18.2 release, the cloud-init team has been adding some polish to our CLI tooling to make cloud-init easier to inspect and interact with. I will give a run ...
In the Juju GUI 2.11.1 release, we are excited to bring a new feature we’ve been working on for a while now: the shell in the GUI. The GUI is a powerful tool, but at times the command-line is necessary. For instance, the ability to SSH into a unit helps for debugging processes or accessing ...
LXDWe’ve taken some preliminary steps in providing the user better feedback when wanting to deploy onto the localhost provider. If conjure-up isn’t able to talk to the same API endpoints Juju can then our probability of success is next to none.We do some fancy realtime UI updates so ...